Saturday, July 10, 2010

Blue's a Food Group, Right?

I went to Despicable Me today with The Boyfriend, and it was absolutely fantastic. Even though I'm not a little kid anymore I reserve the right to act like one. We had a Skittle fight (technically Reeses Pieces vs. Skittles) before the show started, much to the chagrin of the surrounding parents, but I thought I was going to die laughing.

I got a blue icee. Screw the diet, bumming around by the lake with a giant blue slushy is one of the best things in the world.

I brought up the brilliant idea that we should go "wading", so I hiked up my leggings and he rolled up his jeans and we exposed our glowing legs.

He went in to just above his ankles and I ended up soaking wet, and it was fantastic.

And to his credit, he dealt with my whining about being soaked and bought me another icee.

1 comment:

  1. I'm eating M&M's by color right now. I love the blue ones!
