Monday, July 5, 2010

Yellowstone (or the Middle)

Was beautiful, even though we had to drive 8 hours to get there. We came in at night, unsure of where our camping spot was, (literally at all), with the charming warning of the ranger at the check in that several large animals had been hit on the road we'd be traveling for the next hour, and that all campgrounds were full.

But it was absolutely gorgeous. We caught the very last of the sunset over Yellowstone lake, setting behind the mountains. The sky was a magnificent canvas of purple and pink and red and orange, streaked madly against mountains the color of twilight, and perfectly reflected in the pool below.

Thankfully we were able to find our campsite and get a tent up without a hitch, then we collapsed into bed.

In the mountains, it gets freaking cold at night.

The next day, we went to see all the attractions.

Old Faithful blows, literally and figuratively. It should be renamed Old Letdown.

But thankfully we saw another geyser erupt at the same time, admittedly a more impressive one.

The hot springs were absolutely gorgeous, so many different colors, but hydrogen sulfide permeates all of Yellowstone because of the thermal features, so pretty much everything just smells like fart.

More to follow.

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