Thursday, November 18, 2010

Amelia the Zombie

Ooops, first name.

I haven't slept for more than four hours a night since I started high school.


I have permanent dark circles under my eyes.

Yuck, and my skin is even paler than usual.

Guess I look like a sexy chubby white vampire babe.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I have been a lazy-ass blogger.

A really lazy one.

I got this assignment in Creative Writing; What I Want My Words to do to You.
I like using gorgeous metaphors, and these are some of my favorite lines;

I want my words to awake something deep and forgotten, like a dollar in a an old pair of jeans or the puzzle piece beneath the couch.

I want them to deglaze your rhinestone eyes and pop the bubble around your mouth.

I want my words to sink you and fill your mouth with grit, and I want them to raise you up, till you catch stars like fireflies and kiss the clouds.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Guess Who Grew Some Metaphorical Testicles?

I played guitar and sang at Coffeehouse tonight. I was decent, I was cheered for, and I was complimented by people I never expected to compliment me.

I love being onstage, but singing makes me want to vomit.

A person I know wrote two poems, and a short story, and she read them, and I loved them, but I'm too much of a pansy to say that to her face.

All in all, pretty good day. We also got cable, and my dad made pizza.


Sleepover tomorrow with my ex-bestfriend and Youthgroup on Sunday morning, then full day of boyfriend. Life's pretty good, I just never get to sleep.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Trophy Husbands and Halloween

I love Halloween more than anything.


I would sell my soul to have Halloween once a month. Any takers?